Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sure Do Grow Up Fast!

We didn't even know she was dating!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Helping Out Mom

First Family Photo with Ellery

Big Sister meets Baby Sister

Definitely a Good Friday!

Ellery Jessie Rosenberg
7.1 lbs 19"
Born 10:51 AM 4/2/10

Everyone is doing great!  We got to the hospital last night around 5 and started the process.  As expected, neither of us really got much sleep but we managed.  Erin did a fantastic job.  She only had to really push for about an hour.  She did a great job and now just needs some rest.  Ellery is eating and resting.  Been a long day for everyone.  Can't wait to go on home.  Thanks for everyones well wishes!!

Erin, Bruce and Ellery!

Quick Update

Morning everyone.  All is good here.  We rested "well" last night - as well as you can having contractions or sleeping on a pull out.  Things got rolling here around 5 AM with nurses checking in etc.  Erin got the epidural around 7 AM or so.  Sounds like she is about 7-8cm dialated.  They only gave her a little Pitosin as they think she is doing well and pretty far along.  The OBGYN (Shannon) will be by shortly to check in.  Stay tuned!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Here We Go!

The star of the show is ready to go. We got to the hospital about an hour ago and we are all resting comfortably. Just had some dinner and now just watching some TV. Stay tunes for more updates!