Friday, December 25, 2009

Another Holiday - Another Picture of the Kids!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas morning was a success!  Here is a pic with G wearing the new dress that Auntie Sara gave her while she fixes stuff with the new tool box that Grandpa sent along.  Thanks everyone for all the great gifts!  Heading to San Francisco tomorrow!  Can't wait!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do Not Try and Adjust Your Picture!

That is NOT a dash before the number 17. It is a MINUS! Flights to Hawaii today are $1450. See you there!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Little Christmas Mouseketeer!

Weekend Update

Well we all had a great weekend.  The skiing is just getting started but it was pretty cold so we decided to hang around and have a nice relaxing weekend.  Mom and G made a Ginger Bread House, some brownies and we went and saw Santa Claus at the Museum.  Enjoy the pics!