Friday, December 25, 2009

Another Holiday - Another Picture of the Kids!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Christmas morning was a success!  Here is a pic with G wearing the new dress that Auntie Sara gave her while she fixes stuff with the new tool box that Grandpa sent along.  Thanks everyone for all the great gifts!  Heading to San Francisco tomorrow!  Can't wait!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do Not Try and Adjust Your Picture!

That is NOT a dash before the number 17. It is a MINUS! Flights to Hawaii today are $1450. See you there!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Little Christmas Mouseketeer!

Weekend Update

Well we all had a great weekend.  The skiing is just getting started but it was pretty cold so we decided to hang around and have a nice relaxing weekend.  Mom and G made a Ginger Bread House, some brownies and we went and saw Santa Claus at the Museum.  Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Post T-Day Festivities

Well after a great T-Day, we followed up on Friday with a sledding party at Snow King for Lane's 4th B-day and then Santa Claus and the turning on of the lights on the town square.  Enjoy!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  We had a mellow day - just relaxed.  After Gracen woke up from her nap we went up the the Crabtrees for dinner.   The group entailed ourselves, the Crabtrees, Todd's parents Bill and Nancy (Papa and Nanny), Jed Krista and Izzy Mixter and the Jaquiths showed up for dessert.  Here are a few pics.  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Little Stinker is Ready For a Ride!

G decided she wanted to wear her Skunk costume from last Halloween and go for a "ride" on the snowmobile. Good thing she is wearing her helmet!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Post - Early Morning Tubby Shot!

G looked too cute not to post a quick picture. Enjoy!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gracen's New Tea Set!

As a reward for sleeping all night without her Nuk (pacifier) Gracen got her tea set. Something she has had her eye on for a while now.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Stars are Born!

After a long week of work, nothing sounded better to the Crabtree ladies and the Rosenberg's than Pizza, Mac and Cheese and Chocolate Milk at G's favor it "restanot" - The Pub!  However, it wouldn't be a night at the Pub without a little impromtu serenade.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another pic from Halloween

Dalmatian (puppy), Pirate, Princess
Gracen, Beatrix, Brynn

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everybody from a very friendly Dalmation in JH. Hope everyone has a great night!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Better late....

I meant to add this the other day but forgot all about it. Here is a great picture of the girls celebrating Erin's 29th B-day! No cake this year. Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting! Can you guess who liked the treat more?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Princess G

Title says it all. Just a quick dress up session pre-school today.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

...and Dessert!

Dad's and Daughter's

All the Mom's went camping so the Dad's and Daughters had to come up with some fun of their own. Decided the best option was to watch the Red Sox and have a BBQ. The Sox didn't fair too well but the burgers, dogs, corn, mac and cheese and fries helped ease the pain.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Maraca Party!

Sunday afternoon project for Olivia, Lucy and Gracen was homemade musical instruments (maraca's) followed by a quick 3 girl parade around the swingset. Then it was on to Mac and Cheese, Fish sticks and Chicken Nuggets for dinner. Fun was had by all!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Notorious PBJ Gang!

Another Rosenberg and Crabtree adventure. This time to String Lake for a hike around on a perfect day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

1st Day of Swim Lessons

Today Brynn, Gracen and Edie had their first swim lesson. They have 2 lessons a week until almost Christmas. Started out a bit shakey for G as she hasn't spent a lot of time in the pool but after a 1 minute meltdown, all was good. All three had a great time and can't wait until Wednesday when they can go again!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hanging with some Bison

Another trip to the "little visitor center" to walk around and look at the animals, pictures and books.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Location Withheld!

Spud Webb with an AB Special.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just Monkeying Around!

Gracen had to stop to check out the animal statues. There were hundreds and I think she pet them all!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our Future Star!

It didn't take too much persuading to get her up on stage. One simple "Gracen, want to get on stage and sing a song?" and she was up there belting out tunes to the joy of all the people in the Mangy Moose. She got quite an ovation from everyone there. Look out American Idol!!

Not Bad for the First Time!

What is a trip to JH without a little fishing? Well we have been asking that for years so this year Grandpa and Bruce went fishing. We did a 3 hour float trip on the Snake River to see if the Fly Fishing lessons Grandpa took taught him anything. Well, the picture doesn't lie. His first trout on a fly rod!! Nice Job Grandpa!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just like Nana!

Check out Gracen's new apron. Now Nana and Grace look the same. I wonder who is a better cook?

Sunday, August 16, 2009


It hardly felt like August. It was about 50 degrees - cold and some rain showers. However, after lunch it did finally warm up a bit. The fishing was pretty slow but did pick up a bit once the temps warmed up a bit.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Day at the Lake

The Crabtrees and Rosenbergs took advantage an another perfect day in JH to take the boat out and have some fun.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hangin at the Pool!!

Well JH was pushing 90 this weekend so there was no better reason to spend time in the pool. The Rosenberg Riviera was the perfect place to cool off!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Teton Fair Time!

After a little encouragement, G was thrilled to feed the animals. Wasn't too fired up about the rides though.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Break from the Pool for Lunch

After a busy morning of the Museum, bank, Farmers Market, park and Art Fair, it was time for Beatrix and Gracen to cool off in Beatrix in the pool. Another beautiful day. May hit 90 today!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sprinkler Time!

Took advantage of a nice day to frolic in the mist of a cool sprinkler!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Sox Fan

Just a quick pic from this morning. After a tough couple of weeks with double ear infections, a burst ear drum and then a allergic reaction to the anitboitics, it is good to see Gracen happy and smiling! She slept good last night and was in a great mood this morning. Auntie Mike and Uncle Mark got this dress for G. She loves her Red Sox! Her 2 favorite players are Big Papi and Youk! Probably because they are fun to say. Hopefully it will bring some more good luck to the Sox!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Joe and Gracen Part Ways

Trish and the kids were here for a month. John Came the last week which was great. The work we accomplished at the shop was great! Hannah went to camp and Joe and Gracen went to school together every day! There were a few car rides to school that I think Trish and I thought we might lose our minds, they fought like brother and sister, even Hannah a few ( only a few) moments. For the most part they all had a great time! This picture was taken their last night, lots of laughs were had by all!! unfortunately Hannah was at the shop helping her mom and I so she was not in it. They waited for a rainbow everyday it rained and they finally got one. It was just too cute not to share! If you look close it’s a double rainbow!!